2023 Joburg Squash Mens League

2023 Joburg Squash Mens League
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Live Scoring Available!
Use SportyHQ's free Score Squash app to live score matches for this league on your mobile device. After you download the app, you'll be able to login, select your team and find the fixture that you're marking a match for. Every point gets recorded so that players can review the match in detail later and the results are recorded online instantly!

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Sanctioned League

2023 Joburg Squash Mens League is sanctioned by Squash South Africa.
League Organizer(s)

Gary Plumstead

Fonteinriet, Gauteng, ZA

Kevin de Lange

Bedfordview, Gauteng, ZA

John Shannon

Randburg, Gauteng, ZA

Craig van der Wath

Johannesburg, Gauteng, ZA

Jaishal Chiba

Johannesburg, Gauteng, ZA

Ashley Tennant

Johannesburg, Gauteng, ZA

Leigh-Ann Coles

Bryanston, Gauteng, ZA

Ryall Higgins

Hurlyvale, Gauteng, ZA

Richard White

South Crest, Alberton, Gauteng, ZA

David Sibanda

Newtown (2001), Gauteng, ZA

Jason Veitch

Johannesburg, Gauteng, ZA

Louise Biagio

Roodepoort, Gauteng, ZA
